1. New buildings 089

New buildings, generation 4

Welcome to the Nordic Ecolabelling declaration site

This is where you as a supplier help your customer in connection with their application to obtain a Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence. If your product/item already has a Nordic Swan Ecolabel, or an EU Ecolabel licence, you do not have to declare them. All other items* according to the Product Matrix should be declared in the Supply Chain Declaration Portal, also known as the SCDP. 

* Item is a general term for various products and materials. For example chemicals, laminates, glass, and fabrics.

Nordic Ecolabelling uses your information when evaluating a license application. If specific properties need to be shared with your customers, it will be stated in the requirements. Everything else is treated confidentially by Nordic Ecolabelling.

In the declaration portal, you can also state which customers should be able to find and select your items.

Criteria document and writable appendix

To download the current criteria document and the writable appendices, consult this page. Download the criteria document and appendixes here

Product Matrix

Before spending valuable time declaring in the SCDP, make sure to consult the Product Matrix first. Look up "Column F" that states whether your items can be declared or not. You can also find out which requirement/-s your items are covered by. 

Here are the areas of items you can declare for

    • AI0034  Adhesive
    • AI0034  Chemical anchor
    • AI0034  Coating
    • AI0034   Filler
    • AI0034  Impregnating agents for tiles, stone and concrete
    • AI0034  Insulating chemical
    • AI0034  Jointing mastic
    • AI0034  Liquid membrane
    • AI0034  Mortar
    • AI0034  Oils and wood preservation
    • AI0034  Other chemical product
    • AI0034  Paint
    • AI0034  Primer
    • AI0034  Putty
    • AI0034  Screed
    • AI0034  Sealant
    • AI0034  Self-levelling
    • AI0034  Stain
    • AI0034  Varnish
    • AI0039  Acoustic panel
    • AI0039  Apartment door
    • AI0039  Balcony door
    • AI0039  Bathroom fixtures
    • AI0039  Built-in furniture
    • AI0039  Cellulose
    • AI0039  Cement board
    • AI0039  Chemically modified wood
    • AI0039  Chipboard
    • AI0039  Cold storage door
    • AI0039  Combined heavy current cables (>120 V-AC or 50 V-DC) and conduits
    • AI0039  Conduits
    • AI0039  Cork
    • AI0039  Cork Flooring
    • AI0039  Corridor door
    • AI0039  Countertops
    • AI0039  Cross-laminated timber (CLT)
    • AI0039  Entrance door
    • AI0039  Expanded polystyrene (EPS)
    • AI0039  Exterior door
    • AI0039  Extruded polystyrene (XPS)
    • AI0039  Facade window
    • AI0039  Felt
    • AI0039  Garage door
    • AI0039  Glued laminated timber (Glulam)
    • AI0039  Heavy current cables (>120 V-AC or 50 V-DC)
    • AI0039  High density fiberboard (HDF)
    • AI0039  High-pressure laminate (HPL)
    • AI0039  Interior door
    • AI0039  Kitchen fixtures and fittings
    • AI0039  Laminate flooring
    • AI0039  Linoleum flooring
    • AI0039  Loose fittings
    • AI0039  Loose furnishing
    • AI0039  Low density fiberboard (LDF)
    • AI0039  Masonite
    • AI0039  Mats
    • AI0039  Medium density fiberboard (MDF)
    • AI0039  Mineral wool
    • AI0039  Mouldings (wood and other)
    • AI0039  Natural fiber
    • AI0039  Oriented strand board (OSB)
    • AI0039  Other construction boards
    • AI0039  Other fixtures and fitments
    • AI0039  Other flooring
    • AI0039  Other insulating material
    • AI0039  Other synthetic surfaces
    • AI0039  Parquet flooring
    • AI0039  Plasterboard
    • AI0039  Plastic film
    • AI0039  Plastic flooring
    • AI0039  Plywood
    • AI0039  Polyisocyanurate (Polyiso/PIR)
    • AI0039  Polyuretane (PUR)
    • AI0039  Poured rubber surfacing
    • AI0039  Preservative treated wood
    • AI0039  Radon barrier
    • AI0039  Roof surfacing/membranes
    • AI0039  Roof window
    • AI0039  Rubber flooring
    • AI0039  Rubber products
    • AI0039  Sealing strip/collars
    • AI0039  Skirting boards
    • AI0039  Slats, ballustrades and lattices
    • AI0039  Solid wood floors
    • AI0039  Subfloor systems
    • AI0039  Tape
    • AI0039  Textile flooring
    • AI0039  Thermally modified wood
    • AI0039  Tiles
    • AI0039  Turfs
    • AI0039  Underlayment
    • AI0039  Vapour barrier
    • AI0039  Veneer
    • AI0039  Veneer flooring
    • AI0039  Warm storage door
    • AI0039  Wind/air barrier
    • AI0039  Wood fiber insulation
    • AI0039  Woodpanel

How to get started

  • Please, read the terms and conditions carefully.

  • Please, ask the person responsible (here called competent contact) at your company for login credentials to the Supply Chain Declaration Portal. 

    You will then receive an e-mail with a personal user name and password from Nordic Ecolabelling. The usename and password must not be shared with others.

  • Please, read the Declaration guide (download below) carefully before you start declaring.

    In the portal, you will find which properties of your items your customer needs you to declare. Ask your customer for their Application ID in the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal where they apply, since you have to state that and the customers company name in the Supply Chain Declaration Portal. If you don’t know what company will be using your item, please, fill in "N/A" instead.

    When working, you will be able to keep track of and maintain all your declarations. You may also add new declarations or make changes or extensions of items.

    In the Supply Chain Declaration Portal you can keep track of:

    • your company contacts registered
    • history and documentation
    • declared properties of your items in ongoing and finalised declarations

    The portal also contains a library with product sheets, security sheets, test protocols and other documents your company use in the declaration process.

  • Please note, "Declared" does NOT equal "Ecolabelled"

    A declaration of an item is solely a declaration of key data to be used in a complex and comprehensive application process. The declaration is therefore not an approval, nor a disapproval of the item, and the item is neither approved nor certified by Nordic Ecolabelling. 

    Hence, the item will not carry the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and must not be presented as ecolabelled.

    Read more in the guidelines.

    • Introduction to the criteria for New buildings and the Supply Chain Declaration Portal: Follow the link to the webinar here
    • How can the Nordic Swan Ecolabel create competitiveness and additional sales? Why will building manufacturers demand even more certified building products in the future? And how can the Swan strengthen your brand internally and externally? Check out our webinar to find out!
  • New declaration – Use this guide when you declare item properties for the very first time in the SCDP (PDF / Video guide)

    Redeclaration – When you have already declared item properties in the HPP and now need to redeclare them in the SCDP (PDF / Video guide)

To the Portal

Declare your items here

Supply Chain Declaration Portal

Looking for the HPP, generation 3?

Are you declaring items for "Small houses, apartment buildings and school and pre-school buildings",?

Click here to enter the Building Products Portal

Further questions?

More information can be found at our national Nordic organisations websites: